Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cape Cod Surf Check: Hurricane Dorian

Hurricane Dorian wasn't far offshore, so we headed out to see what sort of waves she was throwing our way. All storms are girls, even ones named Dorian.

Sagamore Beach was where we ended the South Shore Surf Check article and started the Cape Cod Surf Check one.

We gambled on some high tide South Shore destruction (Cape Cod, especially the Outer Cape, gets better waves, but the South Shore builds right on the high tide line, and it makes for better Surf Check photos... generally) and lost, so we weren't on the Outer Cape at high tide. This delay gave the seas more time to build.

Someone wet the bed

You sacrifice some closeness shooting from up on a sand cliff, but you get a Seagull view of the incoming surf.

Eastham is always a good place to shoot some surf.

The surf was rough, piling up, no slow rollers. We saw one surfer, and he was beached.

This could have been worse, as Dorian was still quite powerful. There was an astronomically low tide, and Dorian was far enough offshore.

The whole vibe was "nor'easter." It was even sort of chilly.

Winds were tropical storm force.

I want potato chips.

It's cool having a famous house, unless it's famous because they show it on the news when they talk about beach erosion maybe swallowing up a house. Still, cool f***ing house...

Truro, btw...

By the time we got back to Sandwich, the seas had calmed. There was nothing left to do but go to The Drunken Seal.

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