Monday, October 15, 2018

Back Acre Farms In Middleboro

Pumpkin patch? I'm in!

Ladies and gents, Back Acre Farms. It's on the Middleboro/Lakeville line, on the Middleboro side, I believe.

Specialty? Pumpkins!

They have other stuff, too.

As you can tell...

They will drive you to the patch on a sort of hayride. Here it comes...

... and there it goes.

You could buy your pumpkin from a bin at Wal Mart, but this website strongly recommends going to a farm. I have difficulty imagining Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin near a big cardboard box in a supermarket.

It looks a bit like someone buried Donald Trump or Beavis up to his forehead.

The owner of the farm, who just took over for his father, was cool enough that he finished my sentence when I said, "You ought to get...". Yes, the end of the sentence was "a cannon to shoot pumpkins." He was thinking slingshots, but Visionary stuff is why I make the big money.

They are located off the Nemasket River, and here is their website.

Check them out!

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