Sunday, November 3, 2019

New Hampshire Post Peak Foliage

We made it up to New Hampshire, way past peak foliage season.

Mount Monadnock

10000 Newports in a lifetime sort of precludes climbing up mountains, although the 28 year old non-smoking girlfriend was actually the one who called BS on a hike. As anyone who has watched me get soaked in January for our Surf Check articles will tell you, Stephen Bowden will indeed suffer for his art.

Instead, we turned off the GPS and headed East.

Even leafless trees get into the article if they are set before a mountain.

New Hamster went heavy on the yellow. You'd think that someone who writes 5-10 fall foliage articles a year would be able to distinguish between Oak and Birch trees. Nope.

I only know what maple leads look like because I watch hockey.

New Hampshire is a bit beyond our coverage area, but A) I like foliage, B) I needed a battery for my Dab Pen and C) my ex referred me to a place with $40/carton cigarettes. She had been up a few weeks before to get Juul carts or something for her current.

Anywhere I go, I try to squeeze an article out of it.

We promise to go earlier next year.

We tried to get some non-yellow when we could.

Jaffrey goes all-out on Halloween.

I think it was Vermont and not New Hampshire who got into a Letterman (maybe Carson) joke about new state mottoes with "Maple syrup, you say? Just happen to have some right here."

Arizona's was "Come fry an egg on our homeless people."

Oh look, some water!

I was reading this as "no one falls" before being told that it actually rhymes with "Boon."

Noone Falls

It's tough to not like New Hampshire.

Even I couldn't screw up this shot.

It is odd that the yellow trees have one side of the bridge.

You can only think of so many comments about leaves, so I'm tapping out here.

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