Monday, August 27, 2018

Great White Shark Spotted In Buzzards Bay

Great White Sharks are perhaps the most fearsome predators in our waters. Orcas are tougher, and win when they fight sharks, but sharks have the better publicist.

The GWS is also thought of as a Cape Cod problem, but that is selling them short. They, like the proverbial 800 pound gorilla, can go where they want to go.

Proof of that was spotted in Buzzards Bay (the body of water, not the Bourne village) Sunday.

Sharktivity reported (and WCVB seconded) a sighting of a 17 foot Great White Shark off of Penikese Island. Penikese Island is one of Elizabeth Islands, and part of the town of Gosnold.

Gosold is home to 75 souls making it the least populous town in Massachusetts. However, it isn't that far from Horseneck Beach, which is a major destination for beachgoers.

The last fatal shark attack in Massachusetts history happened in Buzzards Bay, off of Mattapoisett. That was 1936, but the victim was no less dead.

Keep in mind that sharks are looking to eat seals, and any attack on a human would most likely be a mistake.

Don't say that we didn't warn you.

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