Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ice Cream Cruise On Plymouth Bay

We caught the sunset from an ice cream cruise boat.

Our host was Plymouth Cruises, and the boat was the Lobster Tale.

Our range was Plymouth Bay.

We made up 4 Pulitzer Prize winning journalists as a typical family and infiltrated the vessel. The kid on the right is actually a cleverly disguised Sean Hannity.

Plymouth is good for checking boats, although the big prize- the Mayflower II- is off in Mystic being tepaired.

This boat was better with Captain Reardon at the helm.... Also, there is a story, most likely legend, that Robert Fulton offered his steamboat technology to Napoleon at a time when British ships needed sails and wind to get around. Napoleon was said to reply, "You propose to power this wooden ship by building a bonfire beneath her decks? Forgive me, but I have no time for this nonsense." Napoleon then sent his sailboat boat navy to their doom at Trafalgar.

Plymouth had some nice skies as we set out.

We really should have disembarked at Plymouth Rock, but it was not meant to be.

The boat also has a cruise where you fight pirate ships with a water cannon, but not this pirate ship.

The HMS Ghetto Fabulous reporting for duty.

The atmosphere was lovin' us.

Sometimes, Stephen forgets to aim the camera so that rails don't get into his sunset shot.

We all managed to avoid the brig on this trip.

We actually shot video of this buoy, which had one of those clanging bells like you hear on Ocean 104 at the top of the hour. Unfortunately, the boat captain plays Michael McDonald CDs while he's driving around and that was all you could hear.

On a related note, friends of Stephen who wondered how far into his date with a girl that he really likes does he go before he runs out of normal things to talk about and starts breaking out his impressions (and which impressions does he do), the answers are "10 minutes" and "Michael McDonald."

I watch enough football that, if someone says "Bug Light," I at least think and sometimes say "Dilly Dilly."

Added bonus... a minke whale followed us for a while.

Clarks Island, which probably should have been used for a scene in Equalizer II.

"C-o-m-p-t-o-n and the city they call Long Beach..."

We headed back before it was too dark to see anything.

Hannity, straight mackin'...

Plymouth is gorgeous when it's lit up.

Thanks to Captain Quintal for getting us home safely, and to Stephen and Teresa for the pics. 

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