Saturday, October 27, 2018

South Shore Surf Check, 10/27/18 Nor'easter

Big nor'easter hit Saturday... we sent some folks out to cover it.

First stop... Sagamore Beach, in Bourne

Heavy wind along the coast, it took down some tree limbs.

Next stop, Marshfield.

Ocean Bluff, to be exact.

They blocked off Brant Rock, which floods heavily with splashover.

We actually got out of the car when we went to Duxbury Beach.

The legendary Public Stairs took a beating. 

I had trouble standing against the wind at Duxbury, and I'm 240 pounds. As you can see in the video above, I got blown back 10 feet.

Safer behind a house anyhow...

Hiding on Cable Hill, out of the wind, behind someone's garage.

10 foot tide, 2 foot surge

Coulda been worse...

Only spray was getting over the wall

If you stood any closer than this, you'd get (more) soaked.


We'll examine Duxbury's seawall maintenance when the storm abates.

Getting just this close was essentially the same level of soakedness that you get going swimming.

Visibility, 15 yards

Same vantage point for every shot, but I didn't see any other photographers out there.

My old house is the yard to the right (south) of the flagpole.

The marsh was rising...

 the road was flooding....

So I bailed and checked out Plymouth

Cedarville, to be precise... in the White Cliffs

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