Friday, January 18, 2019

Recreational Marijuana In Wareham

Strictly in the name of investigative journalism, we checked out the new recreational marijuana dispensary in Wareham... five times.

Verilife opened up on Main Street in the 'Ham recently, to the delight of the Buddha Blessed all over eastern Massachusetts. At the time of her debut, she was the 4th rec outlet in Massachusetts, as well as the only one south of Salem or east of Leicester.

They make you park in a satellite lot and bus you over to the store. They originally had parking at Water Wizz, but now they are parking folks at the Tremont Nail Factory.

They give you a menu to peruse, featuring various pods, cartridges, edibles and flower... flower is what we called Bud back in the day, you see.

3.5 grams of Vortex weed. 55 bucks. When I showed my dealer the menu, he looked at the prices and got what we'll call an I'll Still Be In Business For A While Yet grin.

They do grow some nice weed. I've been blazing since the 80s, and often thought of myself as a general in the drug war, but legalization has made me realize that I'm more of a weed sergeant. I just don't know all the names of the strands. They are sold in sealed packages, so I was sort of choosing by THC potency.

Picked me up a Pax dab pen thingy for a dollar in a special promotional deal. The cartridges go about 65 dollars, double or even triple the black market rate. 

I'd show you the whole receipt, but my name is on it. You have to show your license a few times. The cops on detail there are friendly enough, happy to be picking up a day's pay for overseeing a friendly group of people.

The crowd actually trends elderly. One time that I was there, I was the youngest person in the line at 50 years old. People who I spoke with came from Boston, Stoughton, Yarmouth, Delaware, Colorado, Quincy, New Beffuh and other spots.

Weed is labeled meticulously, so you can be sure that you are getting your Recommended Daily Allowance of THC.

Wareham has had full capacity crowds most days, banking much tax money to help the town along. Once there are more stores open and Wareham is serving just the eastern South Coast and western Upper Cape, the parking should be less of an issue. They chose an awful spot, right next to Tobey Hospital. 

Ironically, they use the same Altoids tin sort of storage device that I favored back in 1986.

They didn't have the Dab Pen back in 1986. They probably did actually, but it hadn't diffused to my suburb.

My man comes up with a jar. Even that was sold in a cardboard box.


Isn't the Long Walk what they make criminals do in Judge Dredd? This was an individually wrapped joint.


They wouldn't let me take pictures inside. Inside, it looks like how small town pharmacies looked before CVS drove them all under. It looks nothing like the jewelry store scene they show you on TV. 

This stuff wasn't that good, a girl at work told me that the cartridge might be defective.

You get one if these as you hop on the bus, Gus... they won't let you into the store without one.

Rather than a den of sin, the pot house looks more like a New Hampshire town hall. I'm told it was an old ship captain house.

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