Monday, January 28, 2019

Patriots Super Bowl Rally

We sent our people out to check the New England Patriots rally before the Super Bowl.

What's that G.O.A.T. doing there?

Oh... that GOAT.

We sent Michelle and her kids. They did all the Leg Work (rightfully so... Michelle is leggy), while I sat in a warm house with the Dab Pen. Hey, I can't be writing all of these captions if I have a cold.

I'm a strong believer in the realm of All Kids Should Be In A Huge Rowdy Crowd At Some Point In Their Childhood. It builds character.

The largest crowd I have been in was Times Square on New Year's Eve. The largest rioting crowd I have been in was 1986, when the Celtics won. It was a good natured riot, but a riot nonetheless.

This was a very positive event, and I doubt that any cars were tipped over as this crowd got on with whatever their post rally plans were.

Rooting against New Englad is actually treason, due to some small print in the Patriot Act.

He'd have been a better President than Trump, Hillary or either Bush. Trust me... if Bill Belichick were running Iraq War I, there would have been no need for Iraq War II. There are those who say that he is able to influence the weather, and he'd bench Jesus if Jesus needed benching.

Jesus was probably at the rally, however... everyone else was.

Gronk lost 180 pounds and may be a girl.

The crowd demands a few words from the True Players.

Sorry to make this observation when the black guy is talking, as I feel this way regardless of the color of the speaker... but I would have great difficulty grabbing a mic in front of that many people and not turning into Cyrus from The Warriors. CAN YOU COUNT, SUCKERS? CANNNN YOU DIG IT?

Champagne Tom can count to 5 just by taking off his Super Bowl rings.

Miss Gronkowski, favoring the camera with a smile.

Properly motivated, the Pats are off to the Super Bowl!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Surf Check; South Coast, 1/24/19

South Wind = South Coast for the Surf Check people.

Brutal south winds, gusting over 60 mph, were pushing the surf ashore.

All of the pictures are from Westport. All of the videos are also Westport, save this one below of a New Bedford wind station near Carney Academy.

Westport has a few different places to check surf. Horseneck Beach was very choppy, as the winds were piling up water and messing with the surf.

One of the few waves that would hold still for a shot.

The road will be needing a good sweep once Mister Tide recedes.

Bad rock for a surfer to get surprised by...

If this storm hit a few days ago with the supermoon...

You can visit Westport in a storm and immediately know why they have quite a bit of undeveloped coastal property.

I get soaked less often than you'd think that someone with my job would get soaked. I grew up on a beach, and have a sixth sense about where to hide from the surf and spray.

The road to Gooseberry Island was closed, so this is the best I could do.

Westport must get trounced by hurricanes.

Duxbury residents who don't favor seawall repair should envision this as Powder Point.

I was in Westport at high tide, this part was getting it worse than anywhere else in town that I saw.

Westport is the only south facing town that isn't heavily protected by Martha, Elizabeth and the Grey Lady, our southern islands. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Soaking Rain, Warmer Temperatures

Well, we have some good news and bad news for you from the weather desk.

Good news? We are now working our way out of that single digit Siberian nonsense. While no one will mistake us for Florida, no one will mistake us for the Yukon, either.

Highs will push 50 tomorrow, and push past 50 on Thursday. That's not too shabby for January.

Of course, that comes with a price... all Good News/Bad News scenarios do.

 The warm weather will bring us copious amounts of rain. 2-3" will fall on SE Massachusetts, starting Wednesday and ending Thursday. The worst of the rain will be Thursday morning.

We are very lucky that we aren't getting this much water on a cold day, as it would be 2+ feet of snow. You'd have a blizzard if the wind got high enough. Speaking of which...

Winds will howl out of the south, gusting to 50 mph. Probably not the best day to toss a Frisbee around.

Looking beyond this, our next run at single digit cold will be at the end of the month. Next week has several potential snow events, all of which seem minor at this point.

Stay dry!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Surf Check, South Shore, 1/20/19

As a big Nor'easter hit us, we sent shutterbugs out to the beaches to see what was up with Mother Ocean.

It was a snowstorm for many, but we got off the highway in Hingham looking for waves.

...which took us straight to Hull! 

The surf was up in Hull, although we were there about 90 minutes before high tide. It was also pouring, so we shot through the Windows.

From there, we headed into Scituate.

You could spend a whole storm in Scituate and maybe someday we will, but we just headed down the Driftway on Sunday.

Scituate, which isn't that far from Hingham, had much less snow.

Our next stop was Marshfield.

Vegas, like Scituate, has a hundred different places one could watch a storm from, but we sort of town-hop when we do Surf Check. Our coverage, like they say about how history teachers work, is miles wide and inches deep.

The Brant Rock/Ocean Bluff section is great to shoot storms from, because you get the tower in the background... a tower which we managed to obscure.

Green Harbor is also fun to shoot at, because you can use the curve of the beach to sort of get behind the waves... albeit from a great distance.

I don't know if they still call it Burke's Beach, but it's a good spot.

We're in Green Harbor, taking multiple shots of Green Harbor taking multiple shots.

Heading south to Duxbury for the next video...

Duxbury is a must-stop for any storm chaser, because it is where you stand the best chance of seeing a seawall collapse.

This rock wall is a private citizen's work. 

I literally just finished clearing that yard of rocks.

All storms are a little scary, but this one wasn't so bad. The wind was blowing across the waves, instead of behind them.

Duxbury suffered mightily last winter, and residents there are bracing for another winter of storms.

Nor'easter season has a February through April peak.

Most people there don't even consider yard repairs until late April.

...lest another one of these storms arrives.

It could have been worse, as the storm hit during a full moon. It trapped us on Cable Hill for an hour after high tide, Which is why this article doesn't have Plymouth, Bourne, Sandwich and Eastham sections.

The full moon means higher tides, which pushes the marsh water over the road. Try to avoid driving through knee-deep salt water, kids.

Sea ice (technically marsh ice) was pushed across Gurnet Road by the flood tide.

See you for the next storm!